Line drawing tools

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Line drawing tools



There is a choice of line styles. Selecting a dash style shows two boxes


The first box set the length of the dash (in pixels) and the second set the space between the dashes (in pixels).

The third option draws a centre line



tool-lineStraight lines




The straight line tool has a choice of line ending styles and selecting this tool will show this panel on the right of the screen.

The line is drawn using the current settings in the line line colour tab.





As the line is drawn, the length of the line and the angle to the horizontal is shown.


Angles are measure from 0 to 180° in an anticlockwise direction. Angles below the horizontal are shown as negative.

When the line is completed, its length is shown in the the "Line length" box in the panel on the right. This box is disabled until you select a line


Changing the length of a line

oUse the selection tool to select a single line.

oThe length is shown in "Line length" box.

oEnter a new value and press return or enter


Changing the line ending

Select one or more line and choose a new style. The new style is applied to all the selected lines.


Snap to line

If the option is chosen, the end of the line being drawn will snap to the outline of any previously draw shape.



polylineConnected lines


The connected line tool draws a series of connected lines and works a little differently. Click to start the line. Release the mouse button and click to place the next point and the first line will be drawn. Repeat for a many lines as you want. To stop the drawing, either click again on the last point (B) or click on the first point (A), which will close the shape.