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The first twobuttons on the right of the screen show the current fill and line colours.  The default settings are a white fill and a black line. The settings are used for any shapes that you draw. You can change the settings as shown in the links below. The third button is for a gradient fill.

The selected button is shown with a pale blue highlight. Clicking on a selected button will deselect it and "fold up" the panel. This can be useful to maximize the space in the right toolbar.


hmtoggle_plus1Fill colour


hmtoggle_plus1Line colour


hmtoggle_plus1Additional colours


dropperThis tool allows you to select colour from the drawing area. Click on any part of the shape to pick up the colour(solid fills only).

If the "Fill" tab is selected the new colour applied to the fill colour otherwise it is applied to line colour.


This tool is on the left toolbar. Select the tool and then click on any shape in the drawing area. The fill colour is updated to the current fill colour as shown in the palette on the right.

If the shape has no fill, then you must click on the outline of the shape.

 If the shift key is held down, the current line colour is applied to the shapes outline.