Using the 3D controls

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Using the 3D controls

You can rotate the 3D view by dragging on the dark blue background. On a device with a mouse use the left mouse (primary) mouse button. On a touch device use a single finger touch.

You can pan the view by dragging with the right mouse button or with a 2 finger touch.



You can select single objects by clicking with the left mouse button or with a single finger touch. The selected object is shown as semitransparent. The axes (X, Y and Z) are also shown


You can change the colour of the selected 3D object by choosing a new fill colour in the colour palette.  N.B This will also change the fill colour of any selected 2D shapes.


You can drag a selected object forwards and backwards along the Z axis (shown in blue).



This button deletes all the 3D objects.


This button deletes the selected 3D object.


This button makes a screen capture of the 3D view and pastes it as a PNG image into the drawing.


The slider will change the thickness (Z dimension) of the selected 3D object.