Hatch fills

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Hatch fills

hatch-fillThis button on the top toolbar shows a pop-up dialog for adding hatch fills to shapes. Select a single shape made up of a simple path or a compound path and click the apply button.


This shows the result using the default settings for a rectangle with a green fill colour and a black outline.






The hatch filled shape is a group made up a background (green rectangle), the hatch lines and an outline (black rectangle). The settings in the popup dialog are applied to the hatch lines only.







The two check boxes allow you to show or hide the background and/or the outline.

The colors for the background and outline can be changed using the "Fill" and "Line" properties on the right toolbar, in the same way as any other shapes.






Editing hatch fulls

Select the hatch filled shape and display the popup dialog if it's not already visible. Clicking on the colour palette or the check boxes will apply the changes immediately.

If you change the line spacing, line width or hatch angle using the sliders, you will need to click the Apply button for the changes to take effect.