Extra line text

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Extra line text

This button on the top toolbar activate the text tool. Use this to click anywhere on an extra line and show the dialog below. The text tool button will be disabled until an extra line or curve is drawn.



Type the text in the box. You can set the colour, style and font size of the text. Click the "Add text" button to put the text on the line and close the dialog.

The "Close" button just closes the dialog without adding any text.

The text is added to the midpoint of the line or curve.

Editing line text


Use the text tool to click on the text you want to change. This shows the text dialog shown on the left.

The text on the line is added to the edit box.

You can edit the text and also use the return key to put the text on two or more lines.

Click the "Update text" button to replace the text on the line and close the dialog.

While the dialog is open, you can set the colour, style and font size of the text. These changes are executed immediately.

Moving line text

You may need to adjust the position of the text, especially on a curve. To do this, use the text tool to click anywhere on the line that has text added. The text will be centred about the new position.

Deleting line text

Use this tool on the top toolbar and click on the line text.