Saving to "Google Drive"

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Saving to "Google Drive"


You can save your work by choosing the "Save" option from the menu at the top of the screen.

You will see a screen pop-up dialog (below) which has 3 save options:

1. save to your school account on the Focus eLearning website;

2. save to the device you are working on;

3. save to Google Drive.




Click the "Google Drive" button. This shows the following dialog:



Please Note: The Focus App needs to connect to your Google Drive first before it is possible to save the file.

This is done by clicking OK. You'll then be asked to leave the site whilst the app connects to Google. Don't worry! Your drawing hasn't been lost as it is stored in memory.

Next you'll either be asked to login to your Google Drive or a 'Connected to Google Drive' graphic (below) will display at the bottom right of the screen.



Next: an "unsaved project found dialog box" will appear. Select "Load Project"




Now click the "Save" option at the top of the screen once again.



Select: Save to Google Drive.





Input a file name and then click Save

