Saving files to Focus eLearning website

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Saving files to Focus eLearning website


You can save your work by choosing the "Save" option from the menu at the top of the screen.

You will see a screen pop-up dialog (below) which has 3 save options:

1. save to your school account on the Focus eLearning website;

2. save to the device you are working on;

3. save to Google Drive.



Click the "Focus eLearning" button. This shows the following dialog:


Enter your email address

Enter a password

Enter a name for the drawing.


NB: Your email is only used to recover a forgotten password. It is not used in any other way by Focus Educational Software. If you do not wish to use your email, you can just enter your name in the box, however if you subsequently forget your password will be no way to recover it.

Your work is saved as a file on the Focus eLearning site, not on your computer


Once you have saved the file, the Save will just overwrite the existing file. If you want to save any changes as a different file, use the Save as option.

The New option closes any existing drawing and starts a new blank drawing.